Saturday 3 August 2013

Hope and you will cope

It’s always difficult to cope up with various issues especially when we don't have hope or faith in Jesus Christ. So if you want to succeed and be happy in whatever you are doing, then it’s better if you believe in Jesus Christ, and never put your trust and belief onto people even though, sometimes God uses them to make us happy or successful. 

But again dear friends it’s always good when we put our hope and trust onto God rather than onto wealthy and other material things, because 1 Timothy 6:17 reads "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment".

"Enjoyment" is the term which has been used in the above verse of Timothy, whereby,according to that verse, God is the one who provides enjoyment through what He provides, this is because it is when we are happy enjoyment comes.Happiness may be defined as loving what you do, which means, one starts enjoying when he/she is happy.It is from happiness  freedom comes,whereby, freedom may be defined as doing what you love. Therefore it is possible to achieve enjoyment, happiness and freedom only if we can keep our hope and trust onto God.

Do you know why most people aren't happy? The answer is simple.It’s because they are searching for happiness where it cannot be found. Happiness will never be found in what someone has, (possessions),however, possessions are said to provide temporary kind of happiness.The only way to acquire permanent happiness is by believing in Jesus Christ. Possessions shouldn't be our first priorities in this life, but rather, the Word of the Lord, the Bible says in Mathew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you".

Therefore for you to cope up with anything you must have hope and faith in Jesus Christ, thereafter, happiness, enjoyment and freedom will follow you.

God Bless you.